Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Girl" picture

We were getting ready to go take someone a birthday present when Talan asked if he could give give her a picture that he had colored. Of course, how cute will that be? He announced very excitedly that he had the perfect "girl" picture for her that he had colored. Imagine my utter shock when my sweet little 4 yr old produced the following picture with pride:

Oh my gosh!!!!!! Does anyone else find it totally disturbing that whoever made this children's coloring book thought it appropriate to include this?
Needless to say, we settled on a coloring of spiderman instead. Now I get to "screen" all coloring books. That is great because I have actually been trying to find stuff to do in all of my "spare time."


  1. That's hilarious Brianne! Russell and I laughed so hard when I showed him this :)

  2. LOL!! i was like, where the heck did bri find that pix! i can't believe it was just in a coloring book! cute little talon probalby thought it WAS an awesome girl pix! love it!!!
