Monday, March 1, 2010

Puke fest

Last night Tyce woke up because he had puked all over. After giving him a bath and changing all his bedding he was tucked in and went back to sleep. About 2 hours later, Talan woke up because he had puked all over. After getting him cleaned up and changing all of his bedding we all went back to sleep. A few hours later Talan woke again, this time with other issues that required that he wear a pull-up (despite his protests and my assurance that it wasn't his fault). Bedding changed again and everyone went back to bed. Morning came with Talan puking again (of course completely missing the perfectly laid out towel and garbage can next to his bed). Bedding changed, Talan bathed, carpet scrubbed and we are back in business. The boys have spent the morning watching movies and laying on the couch with fevers and tummy aches. Although cleaning up puke is the worst job ever, there is nothing more tender than holding, rocking and comforting my sick kids.