Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Does my house look like a toilet to you? I guess it does to my children. Tyce has out-smarted the onsie technique and has resorted to unsnapping, undiapering, and undoing all my best efforts to keep my carpets clean by peeing in about 5 different places today. I think I am officially sick of scrubbing my carpets!!!! I just had them steam cleaned a month ago and I think I will invest in it again. What am I supposed to do with him???? He is so naughty and he knows he is not supposed to do it because when he realizes he has been busted he starts smiling, laughing, and running away from me. What a turkey. I just wish he would point out the puddles to me first before my sock finds it for me.

Talan decided to undo being completely potty-trained by "skidding" in multiple pairs of underwear today, hiding them in various garbages, and attempting to wipe all by his little own self. I can handle that. It is when I find streaks of brown poop painted on different walls throughout the house that I sort of start to lose it. I just don't get it. He also left a lovely yellow trail of pee down the hall and across the bathroom floor because running with your pants down when you have to go isn't always the best option. At least it wasn't as bad as finding poop chunks down the hall like last week when he decided to go commando in his spiderman costume and didn't quite make it to the toilet in time. I am probably going to get sick from all the chlorox and cleaners I have been inadvertently inhaling as I attempt to sterilize my house and consider getting sterilized myself. (Just kidding mom....sort of)...

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