Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Gag Fest

I was downstairs the other night when Ryan and Talan began carving pumpkins. All the sudden I hear "Bri, Talan needs your help." I run upstairs to find Talan hunched over in full-body wretching. Each time he stood up he would look at the slimy-pumpkinseeded goo all over his hands and start gagging again. It wasn't until I could stop laughing and wash his arms off that the dry-heaving stopped. I guess carving pumpkings wasn't what he expected so he resorted to coloring the other pumpkins with markers.


  1. I remember him gagging and almost puking when I changed Alex's diaper once, LOL. I've never seen a gag reflex quite that strong.

    Love your blog... I've been loving mine too. It really does help to keep track of the cute things kids do, as well as vent! I'll send you an invite to mine since its private only...
