Friday, June 26, 2009


Today I was doing yardwork and Talan discovered the "Rollypollies" (potatoe bugs). He could not have been more delighted watching them crawl over his hand and roll into a little ball. He even built them a new "home" of dirt in his wheelbarrel. Then he drew about 10 pictures of them on the sidewalk. It is fun to watch him get so excited over a bug.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Office Depot Disaster

The other morning I was on my way home from the gym when I realized my printer was out of ink. We were driving right by Office Depot so I thought we could just run right in-and-out and get the ink. The ink isle is, after all, right at the front of the store. The store had just opened so I figured my chances were pretty good that we wouldn't have to wait in line.
As me and the boys approached the ink, Talan yells (so any other customers or employees could hear) "MOM, I HAVE TO GO POTT-Y!" Oh course you do Talan. As I scan the store I see the bathroom at the very back. As expected, Talan threw a fit whe I tried to make him use the girl bathroom. I decided to let him use the Men's room ("Big BOY potty")as he calls it. The door was too heavy for him to open, so I pushed it open for him. As I did this, Tyce decided to start running full speed towards the front of the store. He was near the front entrance when I finally caught up with him and threw him over my shoulder (of course he was kicking, hitting, and screaming to get away).
By the time I got back to the bathroom, Talan was screaming and banging on the door because he couldn't get it open. Finally we could go purchase the ink. There was a lady checking out at the register and we were next. As I held Tyce (still kicking and trying to get down) Talan was approaching me with all varieties of candy and treats that are conveniently located at the checkout. "Mom, PLEEEAAASE can I have this? Just one mom, PLEEEAAASE?" No, no, no...put it back....etc. He kept putting them back in the wrong spot, so I set Tyce down and started putting the candy back where it was supposed to go. Tyce stole this opportunity to run full speed towards the copy center and made 3 full circles around the copy machines before I could cut him off and grab the little stinker. Back to the line. Come on long does it take to swipe a credit card and put in your password. After what felt like an eternity, the transaction was made, I had my ink, and we were off. Another shopping trip, although ungraceful as ever, was infact survived.

Sunscreen anyone?

Incase you were wondering, it takes less than 2 minutes to completely empty 2 full cans of spray-on sunscreen. It makes your house smell really...uh...sunscreeny....and leaves a shiny shimmer on all the walls that it was sprayed on. Thanks, Talan! Now we know.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What diaper?

Tyce just decided to top off the day by taking off his diaper, running into the corner, and peeing all over the carpet. I wish I were making this up.

Adventure of the Day

Should I tell you about how Tyce ran right out into the road right in front of an incoming truck? No, that one will make me look like a bad mom. Too late....I was weeding in my back yard when both boys made a beeline for the front yard through the partially cracked-open gate. As I followed them through the gate I realized Tyce hadn't stopped running and was going straight into the road. Luckily the huge truck coming around the corner had seen him and stopped. I ran to get him out of the way, but I guess that just further encouraged him to run faster. Let me tell ya, those little legs of his can move! When I finally caught up with him he was laughing so hard...I guess he thought it was funny. I flipflopped on whether I should yell, spank or hug him and opted for the hug that was a little to tight and a little too long. It felt nice to have him safe in my arms, but did little to relieve the sick ache that remained in my gut.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Laundry Fiasco

It was a beautiful Father's Day until....

Family Picture

Honestly, is it too much to ask for ONE family picture where everyone is actually looking at the camera and NOT acting like a turkey???

Road Trip Fun

We just got home from a trip to Zion National Park for a family reunion and I thought I would give you a little taste of what we got to listen to in the car...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcome to my new blog

Today I had the sweet experience of hauling my kids through Costco and Home Depot. Usually one store is more than they can handle, but I thought, hey, it's morning, they have full tummys, no one is tired, we will just be in and out. Bad idea. Tyce (1 1/2 years old) screamed and cried through home depot because he didn't want to be in the the shopping cart, and Tyce and Talan (3 years old) screamed, cried, and kicked their way through Costco. Why do I take them shopping with me???? You would think I would learn my lesson. Maybe I secretly enjoy people staring at me, wondering, "What is WRONG with THOSE kids?" or "My children would NEVER act like that!" or "What is WRONG with THAT mother? Doesn't she know how to discipline??" Good times, my friends.